How to Register Your Student for the 2018-19 School Year

All Students - Both Returning and New - Must Be Registered
Posted on 1800/01/01

Parents or guardians of children who attend a Hobbs Municipal School are reminded that EACH of their students must be registered by the first day of school on Aug. 15.

    To speed registration and make it easier for parents who sometimes were forced to visit multiple schools in past years, the process this year is entirely online, according to HMS Operations Director Gene Strickland.  Strickland added that ALL students – including those who were enrolled last year, students who are new to the district and students who have completed kindergarten roundup – must be registered.  

  “We have families who frequently move in and out of our district making it difficult to gauge how many classrooms and teachers need to be available in each building,” Strickland explained. “In many cases, especially at the secondary level, we can’t compile a class schedule for the student until the registration process is complete.”          

Computers are available for registration at every school for parents without internet access. School offices are open from 8 a.m. until noon and 1-3 p.m. each week day continuing through Aug. 14 (Schools are closed, however, on Friday, July 27).

Parents may register their returning students by logging into the check grades link (click here) and looking for the “register” tab at the top right. A step-by-step video detailing the registration process is located by clicking here. Parents of students who are new to Hobbs schools can register by clicking here. A video detailing the process for new students can be accessed by clicking here

Strickland said that the new online registration procedure will also provide parents access to  school handbooks which outline important information regarding dress code and other pertinent school rules. In addition, parents are asked to update their contact information during the registration process so they can be reached through email or phone via automated calls  and texting regarding important school and districtwide messaging.

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