HHS graduated its biggest class ever - 667 seniors - at commencement exercises on May 25. |
Here’s to new beginnings, lifelong friendships, and making your mark on the world! Soar High Eagle Graduates of 2024! |
Students, teachers, administrators, builders and others turned out for the May 21 ribbon-cutting ceremony at Southern Heights Elementary School. |
Former students walked the halls at Houston Middle School on May 21 - just days before they graduated from HHS. |
The Eagles brought some first-place hardware home from the state track meet in Albuquerque - held May 17-18. |
HHS Choir Director Cameron Colson far right, lead a crown sing a long with HHS Concert Choir students as part of the All Choral Night at Tydings Auditorium, where middle school and high school student shared an energetic night of music! |
The Veteto Foundation named Jose Mares, Dora Davis, Roxy Sanchez, Hayley Armstrong and Tiffany LaBreck their 2024 Excellence in Teaching winners at a banquet in their honor on May 1st at CTECH. Click on the names of each winner to watch why they are excellent educators! |
As the end of school approached, HMS honored its retirees at a May 7 banquet. |