BTW kindergartners graduated to first grade during a special program at R.N. Tydings Auditorium on May 19.
Jefferson Elementary students Olivia Gallarzo, Ashley Chacon and Omar Munoz received the district's film award during a May 19 school board meeting. Take a look at their video perspective of the evening's other awards.
HHS senior class president was among the nearly 500 students to receive their diplomas during commencement exercises on May 18 at the Lea County Event Center.

Sanger second-graders were on display in a wax museum on May 15 where they sprung to life at the push of a button and recited facts on historical characters whom they chose to portray. (There were several varieties of Abraham Lincoln). Another activity that Friday was a Fun Day for Edison special education students.
Students from The Learning Center, Mills and Sanger closed out the school year with special programs on May 14.
College Lane third graders spent more than a month memorizing and rehearsing lines for a musical, Alice in Wonderland.
Several hundred HHS musicians were on stage on May 11 for their final band concert of the year.

from every Hobbs elementary school - including these Coronado winners -
attended Saturday's Districtwide Art Show reception at the Center for
Arts. More than 900 parents, student arts and their fans toured an
exhibition that will remain on display through May 20. Click on the
picture for highlights.
Five HMS educators were honored by the Veteto Foundation at a May 7 banquet where Mark Veteto read nominating letters of support for each teacher.
HHS Band Director Rusty Crowe was one of five HMS teachers honored with a Veteto Excellence in Teaching Award at a May 7 banquet.
Susan Buske was one of five HMS teachers honored with a Veteto Excellence in Teaching Award at a May 7 banquet.
Alice Sappington was one of five HMS teachers honored with a Veteto Excellence in Teaching Award at a May 7 banquet.
Truckston McKay was one of five HMS teachers honored with a Veteto Excellence in Teaching Award at a May 7 banquet.
Jill Rotunno was one of five HMS teachers honored with a Veteto Excellence in Teaching Award at a banquet on May 7.
The College Lane Bilingual Parents Advisory Committee celebrated Cinco de Mayo on May 5 with a cultural children's program.