The HHS student body was fired up when the Eagles opened the 2013 season on Aug. 13 with a 40-14 pounding of Gadsden.
The first HHS pep assembly of the year had students kicking up their heels in anticipation of a brand new football season.
The Eagles tallied their first victory of the season on Aug. 27 with a 2-1 win over Artesia.
Football players and cheerleaders were on display during the 2013 edition of Eagle Night held at Watson Stadium on Aug. 27.
Elizabeth Johnson and Shelly Driskill had two of the lead roles in the Aug. 24 production of Jack and the Beanstalk.
HHS junior Ariel Lopez gets airborne for the header during the Aug. 24 10-0 victory over Gadsden.

Heizer Middle School students who qualified for the Renaissance program got the royal treatment during an assembly in their honor on Aug. 23.
HMS Supt. TJ Parks laid out the successes from the 2012-13 school year during a upbeat welcome back meeting for all Hobbs staff on Aug. 21.
The Lady Eagles opened their season on Aug. 20 with a 7-0 shutout of Roswell.
Students from Stone, Taylor, Edison and Jefferson Elementary Schools auditioned for parts in Jack and the Beanstalk on Aug. 19.
Highland celebrated the conclusion to the first week of school with a pep rally on Aug. 16.

Aug. 14 was the first day of school for students as well as for Rosa Kahoe, the new principal of Will Rogers Elementary School.
Highland was one of several schools to hold orientation activities to get students familiar with new surrondings on Aug. 12.

Nearly 100 teachers new to the Hobbs school district reported two days early for work in order to get specialized training.
The highlight of the year for HHS FFA students is the Lea County Fair - which produced some winners during the livestock judging Aug. 5-9.

The skies cleared in time - but the rain left a few puddles - when cheerleaders and band members marched down Main Street during the Lea County Fair Parade on Aug. 7.
BTW students held a talent show and graduation on Aug. 7 for the 60 children who completed the school's summer Start Smart program.
Learning to dial a combination and open a locker was one of the orientation activities during the Aug. 5 Jump Start Orientation Day at Heizer and Houston Middle Schools.
Meet Singhi, a 2009 Hobbs High School graduate, was one of three returning students who spoke about the advantages of the Advanced Placement program during an awards banquet on Aug. 1.

More than 200 Hobbs girls going into sixth through eighth-grade got to learn some valuable lessons about the early years during a My Power Quantum Learning camp held July 30-Aug. 2.