Mackenzie Latimer scored eight points - including two three pointers - during the Nov. 27th one-point victory over Palo Duro.
Dane Pannell was the game's leading scorer when Hobbs opened its season at home against Odessa Permian and won 74-71.
Hobbs elementary schools celebrated American Education Week Nov. 12-16 with musical performances that also included some dancing and other surprises.
The top five winners in the Nov. 10 Hobbs Science Fair won plaques, Itune gift certificates and some practice in deductive reasoning.

The Lady Eagles soccer team got ran over by Rio Rancho during quarter-final playoff action at the state championship tournament in Albuquerque on Nov. 8.
Using Leonardo da Vinci's design to build a bridge without nails was just one of the experiments Taylor fifth-graders brought to life during a play centered on math and science subjects on Nov. 2.