Taylor teachers recover from a pie in the face assault as students let off a little end-of-school year steam on May 22 while also raising money for the Jump Rope for Heart fund.

More than 400 students crossed the stage to receive their Hobbs High School diploma during commencement exercises on May 20.
A student adjusts his mortar board in preparation for his May 16 graduation from The Learning Center.
HMS said goodbye to staff with more than 500 years of accumulated work experience during a retirement banquet on May 14.

Jefferson's May 13 Color Run to honor children with autism was laugh-out-loud fun - and also caused temporary teeth discoloring.

Houston middle school student Jaiden Smith explains the business she created in technology class to HMS Supt. TJ Parks on May 10th while Zachary Bruselas waits his turn to make a presentation.
The Freshman High School and Hobbs High School bands gave their final concerts of the school year on May 9. Some seniors celebrated by dressing for the occasion and songs - including Pirates of the Caribbean.

HMS Assistant Superintendent Will Hawkins made a presentation at the May 9 Rotary Club meeting detailing progress the school district is making on a program that would allow HHS students to simultaneously earn a high school diploma and associate's degree from New Mexico Junior College.

Basketball and Football manager Felix Martinez received the Pursuing Victory with Honor award at the May 8 banquet. Students from across the county who participate in extracurricular activities were honored for good sportmanship.

Paula Seeker, pictured with Dana Reaud (granddaughter of Mike Donley), won the prestigious Donley Excellence in Education award May 7 at
the Lea County Event Center.
Mills kindergartners took a tour of Lea Regional Airport on May 7 and had the opportunity to explore everything from the air traffic control tower to guiding airpalnes on the runway.

Sydnee Landrum was one of dozens of HHS seniors to be recognized on May 6 for scholarships they've earned. The Class of 2013 set a scholarship record, according to counselor Trish Ruiz.

Southern Heights students celebrated Cinco de Mayo a few days early on May 3 with carnival type booths and a variety of snacks.

Tray Shawn Cooper gets a hug from his mentor, Brad Caress, at the May 2 mentoring banquet. Mentors who have spent the past year serving as a role model to students were honored.