Terry O'Brain(District III) President-terry.obrain@gmail.com
Peggy Appleton (District I) Vice-President - appletonpe@gmail.com
Patricia D. Jones (District V) Secretary - pdj62nov@gmail.com
Joe Calderon (District IV) Member - joecalderon1942@gmail.com
Kerry Romine(District II) Member - Kerry.romine@hotmail.com
District I - Composed of Hobbs Precincts 20, 22, 23, 28 and part of 18
District II - Composed of Precincts 24, 25, 32, 33, 43, 44 and 51
District III - Composed of Precincts 27, 29, 41, 42 and part of 26
District IV - Composed of Precincts 31, part of 35, 36, 54, 61, part of 62 & part 71
District V - Composed of Precincts 35, 52, 53, 55 and part of 34 and 72